Kienbaum Jobs Assistance Area

Is Kienbaum the right personnel consultancy for me?
In principle, we work in all areas both domestically and abroad. The focus of our activities is the brokering of positions at the director/board member level along with vacancies for executives and senior specialists offering annual earnings of 100,000 euro or higher.
Signing up for Kienbaum Jobs despite a desire for long-term change?
You can register at any time – our relationships with our registered candidates are maintained over the long term. The key to this is to provide us with information regarding your own anticipated time frame for planning a career change.
What happens to my data?
The protection and safeguarding of your information is our highest priority. We therefore make a commitment to protect your private sphere and to handle your data with the utmost confidentiality. By reading our data protection statements, you can learn what personal data we collect through Kienbaum Jobs and what purpose is served by this collection.
What does registration cost?
Registration is free of charge.
I forgot my password. What can I do?
You can obtain your new password here.
How can I apply for an advertised position?

Within any open search mandate (advertisement) click on “Apply”. Here you have the option of registering in our Jobportal or applying directly to an advertisement. Before sending your application, you can review your profile once again and make any necessary changes.

Can I send my resumé directly to a Kienbaum office?

It is best if you file your resumé with Kienbaum Jobs. In that way, you can edit your profile at any time, and we will always have the most up-to-date information. The registration process takes just a few minutes. From that point forward, you are able to access all functions and services. You can simply upload your resumé to your candidate profile.

There is currently no vacancy that fits me. Should I register anyway?
Yes. Publicly circulated job positions represent only a small portion of available openings – a great many are also disseminated through discreet executive searches. When you register, your profile will also be considered for these positions. This makes it all the more important that we remain up to date regarding your availability and your current professional background.
Will my registration be treated confidentially?

The security of your data is our highest priority. Your visit to our webside is a sensitive matter and we protect your data. You will find all details in our data protection guidelines, which you can be easily reached through links at the bottom of every web page. We also ensure that all your information is handled with the greatest discretion. Earning your trust is of utmost importance to us. You can be absolutely sure that we will neither pass on your data to third parties without your prior and explicit consent, nor sell your data. This applies both domestically and abroad.

What happens after I submit my profile to the Kienbaum database?

Your completely filled-out profile will be saved in our Kienbaum database, where it can be examined at any time by our consultants to match it with job searches assigned to us. Since most open positions are filled not through open job postings but by means of confidential executive searches, our database is one of the most important instruments used in searching for suitable candidates (m/f/d). Whenever your profile matches one of the positions shared with us, we inform you about it and provide further details. If you are interested in exploring this position, this step is followed by personal interviews and your decision whether your profile should be forwarded to our client.

Because clients trust our consultants to select and evaluate the best candidates, a client request for a personal get-acquainted meeting usually follows. In most cases, further meetings ensue with our support until the final decision is reached. As needed, we are also available to advise you in subsequent contract negotiations.

How quickly can I expect a contact from Kienbaum and a personal interview?
This is difficult to predict, since a position suitable for you must first come open. The company must additionally make the decision to post the position externally and to assign us to assist in filling it. Since we have very little influence over these factors, a realistic prediction is not possible. We focus our entire attention on the positions commissioned by our client and constantly compare the position requirements with the profiles in our international database. This means we will only contact you once a specific position matches your profile.
Do advisors ever share my resumé with clients when no specific mandate exists?
This can occasionally happen but only with your prior consent.
How do you handle my data and candidate profile?
We of course treat your information with the utmost confidentiality and observe all valid data protection regulations. Your documentation will be submitted to our clients only after we have first consulted with you.
Can I schedule a get-acquainted meeting with an advisor?
In keeping with our clients’ wishes, we concentrate on open positions. This means that we constantly compare the company’s requests against the profiles from our database. We will contact you when there is a concrete job search mandate and we have found a good match to your profile.
How can I let you know about changes to my candidate profile?
Simply access your candidate profile by going to Kienbaum Jobs and make your own changes. For our collaboration to be successful over the long run, it is important for you to keep your profile up to date at all times.
Can I review a list of my previous applications through Kienbaum?

When you log in, you can view all the positions you have applied for directly on your profile page.

Can I withdraw my registration with Kienbaum Jobs? How can I delete my data?

Yes. If you are logged in, you can delete your registration and profile directly on your profile page by clicking the “Delete profile” button. Please note: By removing your candidate profile, all data, entries and notices will be irretrievably deleted and cannot be restored. If you would like to delete your profile for personal reasons or due to ambiguities with our portal, you are also welcome to contact us in advance and we will try to find a solution together. Please contact us here or Kienbaum Jobs.

Will my profile ever be automatically deleted?

No. You can only delete your profile yourself or have it deleted by a Kienbaum employee with a written deletion request. No data of yours will be deleted automatically.